Who We Are The OpX Leadership Network brings together manufacturers and OEM experts to develop best practices and protocols for free industry adoption. To date, over 250 companies have collaborated in the development of these solutions, also known as work products. The OpX Leadership Network Executive Council is the governing body for the network and is made up of approximately 35-40 North American manufacturing companies. The OpX Leadership Network ensures CPG manufacturers and OEMs/suppliers are well-connected and well-prepared to solve common operational challenges, make smarter decisions and achieve operational excellence. ABOUT US What We Do In an open and collaborative environment, the OpX Leadership Network Executive Council discusses common industry challenges and participates in the development of new work products through special task forces and solutions groups. Work products are developed around three key manufacturing pillars: people, process and projects. The OpX Leadership Network’s library of solutions is developed by industry, for industry and free for all to use. In addition to industry solutions, the OpX Leadership Network introduced One Voice Ready, an assessment based certificate program as defined by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence. LEARN MORE