Custom Bilt Metals - Stunning Looks. Made to Last. Kind to the Planet.

Find Resources Architects Lots of choices, lots of decisions, always under time pressure. That’s the life of an architect. In this section, we have organized design information important to your projects, that is easy to find and use. Information is in PDF files and CAD formats. And if your creativity stretches into a unique design, we’re only a phone call or email away to discuss any idea or detail. READ MORE Contractors We recognize our contractors need information at the tip of their fingers for their projects and to answer your customers’ questions. In this section, you will find design, product data, and information important to your project that is easy to find and use. Information is in PDF files and CAD formats. And if your customer’s imagination goes into unchartered territory, we’re only phone call or email away to discuss any idea or detail. READ MORE Homeowners Custom-Bilt offers high performance metal products and systems to create a stunning visual look for your home. We also make some of the most unique and distinctive products, such as those using bare metals, like copper and Zincalume® Plus. In this section, we have organized design information important to you: information of color options, warranty information, and product design options. We’ll even help you locate one of our qualified installers. READ MORE Hawaii We have been serving the needs of Hawaiian Island customers for more than 18 years. Our sales, office, and warehouse team has local knowledge and a commitment to service throughout the island chain. When you choose Custom-Bilt Metals, you get from us: Locally based Operations Local manufacturing and inventory of metal roofing and gutter products.Read more… Architects Contractors Homeowners Hawaii Lots of choices, lots of decisions, always under time pressure. That’s the life of an architect. In this section, we have organized design information important to your projects, that is easy to find and use. Information is in PDF files and CAD formats. And if your creativity stretches into a unique design, we’re only a phone call or email away to discuss any idea or detail. READ MORE We recognize our contractors need information at the tip of their fingers for their projects and to answer your customers’ questions. In this section, you will find design, product data, and information important to your project that is easy to find and use. Information is in PDF files and CAD formats. And if your customer’s imagination goes into unchartered territory, we’re only phone call or email away to discuss any idea or detail. READ MORE Custom-Bilt offers high performance metal products and systems to create a stunning visual look for your home. We also make some of the most unique and distinctive products, such as those using bare metals, like copper and Zincalume® Plus. In this section, we have organized design information important to you: information of color options, warranty information, and product design options. We’ll even help you locate one of our qualified installers. READ MORE We have been serving the needs of Hawaiian Island customers for more than 18 years. Our sales, office, and warehouse team has local knowledge and a commitment to service throughout the island chain. When you choose Custom-Bilt Metals, you get from us: Locally based Operations Local manufacturing and inventory of metal roofing and gutter products.Read more…
